Hydrocarbon Program Consultancy

Hydrocarbon Program Consultancy

for the future

As leaders in Lubrication Program Management, Training, and Asset Management, HPC Consulting are committed to empowering professionals with the knowledge and certifications necessary to thrive in the dynamic world of lubrication.

With our expertise and cutting-edge training programs, we offer a comprehensive pathway for individuals seeking to enhance their skills and achieve industry-recognized certifications.


What our students say

HPC Consultancy Training and Services

We offer comprehensive competency-based training in essential technician skills, including fundamentals, safety, contamination control, plant maintenance, lubrication, and more. Additionally, we provide internationally recognized certification programs through the International Council for Machinery Lubrication.

Competency-Based Training
and Certifications

Consultancy Services

Our consultancy services are designed to optimize operations and enhance efficiency through cost analysis, technician training, risk profiling, lubricant rationalization, inventory reduction, site audits, and the implementation of key performance indicator (KPI) metrics.

LABORATORY Interpretation and Testing Services

Our laboratory interpretation and testing services provide valuable insights through contract oil analysis interpretation and reporting, detailed patch test and analysis reporting, as well as advanced analytical ferrography and ferrogram analysis reporting, ensuring precise and actionable results for our clients.